Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


hifiUFO/Beach Party 1959 – 1964

Beach Party 1959 – 1964


1. Jack The Ripper - Link Wray
2. Pink Domino - The Crescents
3. Jungle Call - The Gaynighters
4. Cloudburst - Kan Dells
5. Shootin' Beavers - The Tornadoes
6. Apache - Jorgen Ingmann
7. Mau Mau Stomp - The Champs
8. Cha-Hua-Hua - The Pets
9. Torture - The Fendermen
10. Rockin' Little Egypt - The Egyptian Combo
11. Bongo Party - Preston Epps
12. Minor Chaos - Steve Rowe and The Furys
13. Mambone - The Gaynighters
14. Castaway - The Nauticals
15. Batman Theme - Neil Hefti
16. Dragon Walk - The Noblemen
17. Malaguena - Steve Rowe & the Furys
18. Beach Party - The Fendermen

About Album

Artist: hifiBOX
Label: hifiUFO
Genres: Garage, Instrumental, Rockabilly, Suf