Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


hifiUFO/Gospel 1947-1967

Gospel 1947-1967


1. He's My Rock - Five Blind Boys
2. I Was On My Knees - Cleveland Golden Echoes
3. Jesus On My Mind - The Holy Wonder
4. Wonderful - Pilgrim Jubilee Singers
5. This Is A Mean World - The Trumpeteers
6. I Need You - The Keys of Heaven
7. John Saw The Number - Jackson Harmoneers
8. I Am Moving On - The Holy Wonder
9. Roll Jordan Roll - Cassietta George
10. There Must Be A Heaven Somewhere - The Angelic Gospel Singers
11. Almighty God - The Consolers
12. Everyday Will Be The Same - The Spiritual Five
13. Jesus Changed Me - Little George & Religious Five
14. By The Help of The Lord - The Consolers
15. In The Service of The Lord - The Keys of Heaven
16. I'll Carry My Burden - The Spiritual Five
17. Where Jesus Is The Light - The Raspberry Singers
18. There's A Man In Jerusalem - The Trumpeteers
19. Left In The Hands of The Lord - Kindly Shepherd Gospel Singers
20. A Prayer for The Sick - Elder Bonds

About Album

Artist: hifiBOX
Label: hifiUFO
Genres: Blues, Doowop, Funk, Gospel, Rhythm & Blues, Soul