Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


hifiUFO/Country Bop 1956-1963

Country Bop 1956-1963


1. I Ain't Gonna Waste My Time - Wiley Barkdull
2. Dream Night - The Houle Brothers
3. When I Flirt - Boyd Ingram
4. Rakin and Scrapin - Dean Beard & His Four Pals
5. 16 Wheels - Jay & The Rebels
6. Say Mama - Paul Stephen & The Royal Lancers
7. Bitter Feelings - Larry Phillipson
8. Cool, Cool Daddy - Wally Deane
9. I Want To Take You Out - Boyd Ingram
10. What'd I Say - Jerry Lee Lewis
11. Linda, My Linda - Al Trace
12. Hey Honey - Wiley Barkdull
13. Hey Porter - D.J. Porter
14. White Lightning - Pete Byam & The Sidekicks
15. Miami Road - Larry Phillipson
16. I Fought The Law - Paul Stefen And The Royal Lancers

About Album

Artist: hifiBOX
Label: hifiUFO
Genres: Country, Rockabilly