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hifiUFO/45s /Flaming Youth


Flaming Youth

What’s this? I don’t know. Google doesn’t know. And neither does your weird uncle Gary. It’s a one of kind proto-punk-soft-rock hybrid piece of mysterious Flaming Youth. Says so right on the label. And the label is called Red Hott. With two Ts. So, there’s that. Flaming. Hott. Get it? I found this record along with another obscure 45 by a guy called “Travis” at a thrift store near Cairo Illinois. When and where were they recorded and are they related? You tell me. Seriously, PLEASE TELL ME. The first side will hit-and-run your ass and the second side will kiss that same ass good night and read it a bedtime story. The world is mostly salty but sometimes sweet. Why? Because fuck you. Don’t overthink it.

Side A: My Car
Artist: Flaming Youth
Catalog: Red Hott UR1795A
Date: 1975?
Style: Proto Punk


Side B: Growing Old With You
Artist: Flaming Youth
Label: Red Hott UR1795B
Date: 1975?
Style: Proto-Punk